Haywood Next: Future Land Use Plan
Welcome to the Haywood County Future Land Use Plan – HAYWOOD NEXT CENTURY! We are excited to embark on this journey together as we shape our county’s future built upon a foundation of community engagement.
THIS IS YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR PLAN! Throughout the process your participation is critical to better ensure our community achieves its remarkable potential during this unprecedented moment in our history.
Explore our website to learn more about the project, meet the Steering Committee, review information from past events, and stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities to engage. We appreciate your support and engagement in shaping the Haywood County Future Land Use Plan. Your voice matters as we work together to build a better future for our community.
As Haywood County enters its THIRD CENTURY, let’s work together to create a thriving, authentic community!
Why Update the Future Land Use Plan Now?
Haywood County has a multitude of reasons to update its current land use plan to thrive within a rapidly evolving regional landscape. Investments in and beyond Haywood County present both opportunities and challenges for our community. Our community is growing, and with that growth comes the need to balance agriculture, economic development, housing, transportation, infrastructure, and environmental stewardship. The Haywood County Future Land Use Plan aims to address these diverse needs, ensuring that our county remains a vibrant and attractive place to live, work, learn, recreate, and relax. By engaging in a thoughtful and inclusive planning process, we can create a shared vision that preserves Haywood County’s authentic and unique character while embracing the opportunities of the future.

Future dates will be posted on this website Please check back for updates.
Please use the links below to the recommended Future Land Use Plan and Report.
Haywood Next: Future Land Use Plan Report
Future Land Use Plan (Map)
Vision Statement:
To ensure that Haywood County respects, preserves, and enhances its values, diversity, history, quality of life, and character as the community grows.
Planning Objectives:
1. Develop an achievable growth strategy that is impactful to the lives of both current
and future citizens of Haywood County.
2. Adopt zoning amendments and Development and Design Guidelines, and other planning
tools, as necessary to implement the growth strategies for Haywood County.
3. Incorporate community participation into all stages of the planning process including
requiring developers to engage and inform citizens prior to or during the early stages of
the development review process.
Growth Principles (Objectives):
1. Accommodate growth and change while ensuring the scale and nature of investment
does not erode or degrade the rural character, iconic landscapes, productive farmland,
environmentally sensitive areas that should be protected for future generations.
2. Encourage improvement, revitalization, and beautification of existing communities,
corridors, and gateways including the maintenance and reuse of existing structures.
3. Guide growth and focus investment to occur in and around existing communities,
thereby preserving the County’s rural character, agricultural lands, and natural
4. Locate public and private facilities in existing communities or designated growth areas
to be more accessible to citizens and complementary to the surrounding area.
5. Promote high-quality places that enhance small town charm, provide inclusive public
space, foster personal growth, and support small businesses.
6. Provide a wider variety of housing types and range of development forms with an
emphasis on maintaining attainability and promoting inclusion for people of all
lifestyles, ages, and economic means.
7. Improve the walkability of communities and increase options for walking, biking, and
Public Meetings and Events
03/07/23 Steering Committee Kick-off Meeting: Agenda, Presentation
03/27/23 Steering Committee Meeting: Agenda, Presentation
04/18/23 Steering Committee Meeting: Agenda, Presentation
05/01/23 Stakeholder Meetings and Public Engagement, Douglas Community Center: Agenda
05/04/23 Stakeholder Meetings and Public Engagement, Woodlawn M.B. Church: Agenda
05/16/23 Steering Committee Meeting: Agenda, Presentation
06/06/23 Public Open House, Brownsville High School: Exhibits, Presentation
06/20/23 Steering Committee Meeting: Agenda, Presentation
08/01/23 Steering Committee Meeting: Agenda, Presentation
08/29/23 Steering Committee Meeting: Agenda, Presentation
01/08/24 Steering Committee Meeting: Presentation, Fiscal Impact Analysis, Video
01/22/24 Steering Committee Mapping Session
02/05/24 Steering Committee Meeting #9: Agenda, Presentation
03/11/24 JECDB Meeting: Presentation
TischlerBise-Brownsville Executive Summary-240322
TischlerBise-Haywood Executive Summary-240322
TishlerBise-Stanton Executive Summary-240322
Future Land Use Exhibits
Public Open House Boards
Future Land Use Plan (Draft)
Transportation Strategies for Haywood County
Haywood Market Assessment
Interim Development and Design Guidelines
Haywood County Base Maps
Preliminary Market Demand Estimates Synopsis (video)
Public Open House Zoom Meeting (video)
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the individuals, organizations, and community members who have and will continue to contribute their time, expertise, and passion to the Haywood County Future Land Use Plan.
Haywood County Future Land Use Plan Steering Committee
Joe Barden
Emma Covington
Tim Stokley
Gem Bell
Lyle Reid
Joe Stephens
David Prince
Kathy Watts
Consultant Team