December 16th, 2024 @ 6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Prayer:
4. Pledge of Allegiance:
5. Recognition of Visitors
6. Mayor’s Certificate of Appreciation: Mary Ann Sharpe
7. Public Comments (2 minutes per speaker on Subject matter in New
8. Approval of Minutes
9. Reports of Officials
A. County Mayor (denoted as A-1)
B. County Trustee (denoted as B-1)
C. Board of Education (denoted as C-1)
D. Highway Department (denoted as D-1)
10. Report of Standing Committees
A. Education: Commissioner Eubanks
B. Solid Waste: Commissioner Jones
C. Public Safety: Commissioner O’Quin
D. Budget: Commissioner Richmond
E. Local Government: Commissioner Hayes
11. Report of Other Committees or Boards
A. Industrial Development Board: Commissioner Prince
B. Southwest Human Resource- Fitzgerald Mann
12. New Business: (Consider Passage of the following):
A. Motion to close Agenda
B. Reappointment of Sara Levy as County Attorney and modification of
her Contract with the County
C. Motion to Authorize the County Mayor to sign the Contract with the
Department of Transportation regarding the $10 million dollars for
improvement of the roads around Blue Oval
D. Resolution requesting legislature to allocate portion of transfer tax to
Haywood County
E. Resolution demanding the IDB to return to Haywood County its
portion of Payments in lieu of the Waiver of Property Tax Dollars
attributable to Haywood County from pilot moneys received from Blue
Oval City and all other pilot payment, previously received and in the
F. Resolution regarding application and use of Source Well
G. Please take notice of the attached report on the suggested property,
letter from the Mayor, the text from CTAS, and accompanying
newspaper articles.
13. Budget Amendments:
14. Old Business:
15. Mayor’s Comments
16. Call of the Districts
17. Adjournment