
6:00 p.m.

Allen King Criminal Justice Complex

1. Call to Order

2. Prayer

3. Public Comment (3 total, 2 minutes each)

4. Approval of 4/25/24 meeting minutes

5. Tier One Update

6. Agenda items Mayor Livingston requested:

–Adopt the recommendations of nominated Haywood Co. Fire Chief to employ full/part time EMT/Firemen or full/part time Paramedic/Firemen.

–Discussion to allow the Haywood Co. Fire Chief and the Emergency Services Director to negotiate an automatic aid agreement with the Cities of Brownsville and Stanton.

–Discussion to allow the Haywood Co. Fire Chief and the Emergency Services Director to negotiate with the respective Volunteer Fire Departments regarding fire and emergency services.

7. Ambulance Authority

–Merit Based Performance Review

–CBDG Grant Update

8. Adjournment