Public Records Commission
Tuesday, June 6, 2024, 4:00PM
Haywood Courthouse – Historic Court Room


1) Call to Order – Determination of Quorum

2) Approval of Minutes – Previous Meeting 5-2-2024

3) Public Comments on Agenda Topics

4) Report on Site Visit to Madison County Archives May 14

5) Outreach to State Archives by Chancellor Mansfield

a. Records Management Resources & Training
b. Next Steps

6) West Tennessee Heritage Initiative – In Dyersburg June 22

7) Haywood County Archives & Critique

a. Background on Existing Set-up at the Haywood County Farm
b. Future space & material requirements
c. Management & budgetary needs

8) Archives & Records Management Fee – Sample Resolution

9) General Planning for Records Management

a. Future training & site visits
b. Legal requirements, standards, and policies
c. Priorities and projects

10) Adjournment – Next Meeting