Haywood County Local Government/Rules Committee (LGC)
Tuesday, July 9 2024, 4:00PM
Justice Center Conference Room
Committee Members 2023-2024
Sharon Hayes, Chair Ÿ Dell Phillips, Vice Chair
Jim Duke ŸRichard Jameson Ÿ Rhonda Thompson

Meeting Agenda:
1) Call to Order – Determination of Quorum – Welcome
2) Approval of Minutes – Previous Meeting 6-11-2024 attached
3) Public Comments on Agenda Topics Maximum three speakers/two minutes each
4) Positions/Staffing – Referrals to Local Government
a. Museums Docents & Archives Keeper – job descriptions drafted – budget estimates to
Budget Committee
5) Proposed Commission Board Room – Task Force to Work with A2H Designer
a. Pat Harcourt with A2H – renderings in separate email
b. Input from County Officials on Related CJC Space Needs
6) Status Updates & Progress Reports
a. Study of Financial Operations & Processes – Schedule CTAS Consultant Kelsey
b. Public Records Commission – consideration of fee resolution; archives budget needed
c. Dyersburg State Community College – JECDB Education Committee; classes scheduled
at TCAT Stanton; tour of Sunny Hill on 6-24-2024 for potential night classes in future
d. Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Rhonda Thompson confirmed by the
County Commission 6-17-2024; Start -up Meeting held 6-27-2024 & Search Committee
e. County Planner – JECDB Recommended 2-20-2024 – Position draft distributed
f. Other
7) Adjournment – Next Meeting