Haywood County Election Commission

Courthouse – Lower Level

1 N. Washington Ave.

Brownsville, TN 38012


Email: [email protected]

Website: haywoodvotes.com

February 6, 2025

NOTICE – CALLED MEETING: February 13, 2025 

The Haywood County Election Commission will meet in a called session on 

Thursday, February 13, at 5:00 pm in the Election Office 


  1. 2025-2026 budget preparation
  2. Workplace Harassment/Violence Training
  3. 1st quarter registration inspections
  4. List Maintenance
  5. Administrator’s report
  6. Items from Commissioners

Any other election business pursuant to duties listed in, but not limited to, TCA §2-12-116.

A public comment sign-up sheet will be available beginning 2 days prior to the meeting until 4:30 p.m. the day of the meeting for any person who wants to provide comments to the HCEC regarding matters that are germane to items on the agenda. The sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board outside the Election Commission Office. We will allow a maximum of 6 people to speak for 3 minutes. The full copy of the Public Comment Policy will be displayed with the sign-up sheet.



Andrea Smothers, Administrator of Elections