Regular Meeting – Haywood County Commission
May 20, 2024 @ 6:00 P.M.


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Prayer: Commissioner Stanley

4. Pledge of Allegiance: Sheriff Garrett

5. Recognition of Visitors

6. Mayor’s Certificate of Appreciation: Bishop Will Fred Boyd,

7. Public Comments (2 minutes per speaker on Subject matter in New Business)

8. Approval of Minutes

9. Reports of Officials

A. County Mayor (denoted as A-1)
B. County Trustee (denoted as B-1)
C. Board of Education (denoted as C-1)
D. Highway Department (denoted as D-1)

10. Report of Standing Committees

A. Education: Commissioner Eubanks

1. Superintendent Amie Marsh

B. Solid Waste: Commissioner Jones

D. Public Safety: Commissioner O’Quin

C. Budget: Commissioner Richmond

E. Local Government: Commissioner Hayes

11. Report of Other Committees or Boards

A. Industrial Development Board: Commissioner Prince
B. Joint Economic and Community Development

12.New Business: (Consider Passage of the following):

A. Motion to close Agenda
B. Motion to adopt the recommendations of Haywood County Fire chief,
Dan Feathers, to employ full – time and part-time EMT/Firemen and
Full- time and part time Paramedic/ Firemen to staff the EMS Station at Blue Oval to begin employment Juli 1, 2024.
C. Motion to authorize Haywood County Fire Chief, Dan Feathers and
Emergency Management Director, Chris Milton to negotiate an
automatic aid agreement with the Cities of Brownsville and Stanton.
D. Motion to authorize Haywood County Fire Chief, Dan Feathers, and
Emergency Management Director, Chris Milton, to negotiate with the
respective Volunteer Fire departments regarding fire and emergency
E. Appointment of Pat Simmons Emerson to the Library Board
F. Resolution to be effective July 1, 2024, increasing all tipping fees at the
Haywood County Landfill to $55.00 per ton; authorizing 1.5% late fee
for delinquent accounts that are 25 days late.
G. Motion to Approve DGE contract with Haywood County Health
Department and Authorizing the County Mayor to sign.
H. Motion to Approve Contract with Southwest Tennessee Development
District for Planning Service and authorize County Mayor to sign.
|. Motion to authorize the Solid Waste Director to accept the offer of
$235,500.00 in full settlement of the loss associated with the Garbage
Truck and sign all documents necessary to compromise the matter.
J. Motion to declare certain equipment listed in the attachment thereto
as surplus and authorize the Solid Waste Director to dispose of the
same as authorized by law,
K. Budget Amendments:

13. Old Business:

14. Mayor’s Comments

15. Call of the Districts

16. Adjournment