1. Call to Order
2. Calling of the Roll
3. Prayer:
4.Pledge of Allegiance:
5. Recognition of Visitors and Guests
6. Mayor’s Certificate of Appreciation
7. Public Comments (2minutes per speaker on Subject matter in New Business)
8. Approval of Minutes
9. Reports of Officials
A. County Mayor (denoted as A-1)
B. County Trustee (denoted as B-1)
C. Board of Education (denoted as C-1)
D. Highway Department (denoted as D-1)
10. Report of Standing Committees
A. Education: Commissioner Eubanks
B. Solid Waste: Commissioner Jones
C. Public Safety: Commission Prince
D. Budget: Commissioner Richmond
E. Local Government: Commissioner Hayes
11. Report of Other Committees or Boards
A. Industrial Development Board: Commissioner Richmond (Progress of
B. Report on Denali- Commissioner Eubanks
12. New Business: (Consider Passage of the following):
A. Motion to close Agenda
B. Appointment of Ethics Committee (list attached)
C. Resolution and Appointment of Capital Committee
D. Approval of Contract with Pitney Bowes and grant authority to County
Mayor to sign.
E. Approval of Mutual Aid Agreement with Ambulance Services of Lexington
and authorize the County Mayor to sign.
F. Approval of application of Haywood County to borrow $5,000.000.00 from
USDA and authorize the County Mayor to sign.
G. Proposal of Dunbar Carver Museum (Informational purposes only).
H. Motion to approve Amendment to Health Services Agreement between
QCHC Of Tennessee, PLLC and Haywood County, Tennessee and authorize County
Mayor to sign.
I. Resolution to adopt the purposed text amendment.
J. Motion to approve contract to purchase Simmons Property and authorize
County Mayor to sign.
K. Motion to approve the memorandum of understanding with Haywood
County School Board, and Haywood County, and Brownsville-Haywood County
Industrial Board regarding building of a new school.
L. Resolution to express support for Ford Motor Company SK Blue Oval City
project and recognize its significant economic impact, and support economic
13. Budget Amendments
14. Old Business
15. Mayor’s Comments
16. Call of the Districts
17. Adjournment