The November meeting of the Public Records Commission was held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 4:45 p.m. in the Historic Courtroom of Haywood County Courthouse.

Present:  Linda Hayes, Terri Ann Russell, Katherine Horn, Sharon Hayes, Duke Williams, Chancellor Michael Mansfield and Sonya Castellaw.

Absent:  Goldie Harwell and Terry Thornton

Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Terri Ann Russell.

Motion by Michael Mansfield and seconded by Katherine Horn to approve the minutes from the October 3, 2024 meeting.  Motion approved with none opposed.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.

Sharon Hayes will get Carlton to list the Public Records Commission on County Website

Motion was made by Michael Mansfield to authorize Linda Hayes to setup and monitor the [email protected] email account.  Sharon Hayes seconded the motion. Motion was voted on and approved.

Motion was made by Linda Hayes to have Sharon send the content to Carlton Veirs so that he can set up the Public Records Commission on the Haywood County Website.  Michael Mansfield seconded the motion.  Motion was voted on and was approved.

Motion was made by Michael Mansfield to have a column in the States Graphic that is dedicated to the Public Records Commission and the County Archives, and that Linda Hayes will be the one who writes the articles for that column. Katherine Horne seconded the motion.  Motion was voted on and approved.

Linda Hayes spoke about having a bi-fold pamphlet printed that would tell about the Haywood County Archives.  It was mentioned that Mark Kendrick or Sonya Outlaw Clark would be good individuals to contact about help with designing the pamphlet.  This will be something that the Public Records Commission will have to wait on doing until we have some funding available.

Michael Mansfield made the motion to have Linda Hayes speak with Chris Morey to get the banner sign for free that he has offered and have him also give the commission a price for a sign that would be on the side of the building and that would comply with historic zoning ordinances for signage for the City of Brownsville.  Terri Ann Russell seconded the motion.  Motion was voted on and approved.

there was discussion of sending out an email to the different department heads and elected officials to see if they could keep a record of how many requests are made in their individual offices for records that are older than 25 years old.  It was discussed that the PRC member Duke Williams, would send that email out to all of the offices. This however was not voted on.

It was decided that the next meeting would be Thursday, December 5 at 4:00 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Sonya Castellaw and Terri Ann Russell