October 30, 2024
A Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Haywood County Utility District was held on October 30, 2024. Present for the meeting were board members Teri Robinson and Jeffery Richmond. Absent was John Duckworth. Also present were Russ Stoots, Ben Thornton, Carlton Veirs, and Attorney Michael Banks. A quorum was declared, and the meeting was opened.
There was a period for public comment, but no one spoke.
The minutes from the September 26, 2024, meeting were read and adopted upon a motion by Teri Robinson and seconded by Jeffery Richmond. The motion passed unanimously.
The next order of business was a review of the most recent financial statements which were presented by Russ Stoots. There were no questions, and no action was taken.
The next item of business was discussion on the Bradley Jones/ Cane Creek 2-inch water tap. There was discussion of having Jones sign a contract which would hold HCUD harmless for any water pressure problems he may experience since Jones’s engineers are the ones who claim there will be enough pressure on that line. Also, the contract would let Jones know that HCUD would not guarantee any minimum pressure for his development, and if his customers start to experience pressure problems then HCUD can limit the number of customers on the line. Motion was made by Jeffery Richmond and seconded by Teri Robinson to authorize Attorney Michael Banks to draft said contract for Bradley Jones’s review. Motion passed unanimously.
The next order of business was an update on the TDOT Highway 19/ Ripley Highway project. Russ explained that as of now the Highway 19 project from TDOT will not include super 2-laning that route, only a repaving of the Ripley Highway.
The Board accepted a letter of resignation from John Duckworth due to his health issues, and the Board discussed possible names to replace Mr. Duckworth. These names included Gem Bell, Terrance Cannon, and Joyce Pirtle. Attorney Banks explained that we would need a 2-week notice before the next HCUD meeting to vote on these names.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Jeffery Richmond and seconded by Teri Robinson to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Approved ____________________, 2024.