Regular Meeting – Haywood County Commission
June 17th, 2024 @ 6:00 P.M.

Amended Agenda

1.Call to Order

2.Calling of the Roll

3.Prayer: Pastor Ben Cowell

4.Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner O’Quin

5.Recognition of Visitors and Guests

6.Mayor’s Certificate of Appreciation

7.Public Comments (2minutes per speaker on Subject matter in New Business)

8.Approval of Minutes

9.Reports of Officials

A. County Mayor (denoted as A-1)
B. County Trustee (denoted as B-1)
C. Board of Education (denoted as C-1)
D. Highway Department (denoted as D-1)

10.Report of Standing Committees

A. Education: Commissioner Eubanks
1. Superintendent Amie Marsh
B. Solid Waste: Commissioner Jones
C. Public Safety: Commissioner O’Quin
D. Budget: Commissioner Richmond
E. Local Government: Commissioner Hayes

11. Report of Other Committees or Boards

A. Industrial Development Board: Commissioner Prince
B. Joint Economic and Community Development
C. Southwest Human Resource: Fitzgerald Mann
D. Audit Committee Report: Commissioner Hayes

12. New Business: (Consider Passage of the following):

A. Motion to close Agenda
B. Motion to Accept the report of the Audit Committee.
C. Discussion regarding June 29″ Call Meeting to accept the Budget and pass
Budget final amendments
D. Motion to accept A2H contact regarding I-40 Advantage and authorize mayor to
execute contract.
E. Motion to accept bid of D.C. Constructions regarding I-40 Advantage and
authorize Mayor to execute Contract.
F. Motion to accept A2H contract regarding Election Office Renovation and
authorize Mayor to execute Contract.
G. Motion to accept A2H contract regarding Ambulance Authority Renovation and
authorize Mayor to execute Contract.
H. Motion to accept bid of Moss Carpenter Construction regarding Sewer System
Improvements and authorize Mayor to execute Contract.
H. Discussion as to 4″” Annual Honoring Haywood’s Heroes on July 3 @ 12:00
|. Appointment of Ben Cowell to the Human Rights Council.
J. Budget Amendments:

13. Old Business:

14. Mayor’s Comments

15. Call of the Districts
16. Adjournment